Lebanese American University


Standard Seven
Library and Other Information Resources

The institution demonstrates sufficient and appropriate information resources and services and instructional and information technology and utilizes them to support the fulfillment of its mission.

7.1 The institution articulates a clear vision of the level and breadth of information resources and services and of instructional and information technology appropriate to support its academic mission and its administrative functions. Through strategic, operational, and financial planning, it works to achieve that vision.

7.2 Institutional planning and resource allocation support the development of library, information resources and technology appropriate to the institution’s mission and academic program. The institution provides sufficient and consistent financial support for the library and the effective maintenance and improvement of the institution’s information resources and instructional and information technology.

7.3 The institution uses instructional technology appropriate to its academic mission and the modes of delivery of its academic program.

7.4 Professionally qualified and numerically adequate staff administer the institution’s library, information resources and services, and instructional and information technology support functions.

7.5 Faculty, staff, and students are provided appropriate training and support to make effective use of library and information resources, and instructional and information technology.

7.6 The institution establishes and applies clear policies and procedures and monitors and responds to illegal or inappropriate uses of its technology systems and resources.

7.7 Through ownership or guaranteed access, the institution makes available the library and information resources necessary for the fulfillment of its mission and purposes. These resources are sufficient in quality, level, diversity, quantity, and currency to support and enrich the institution’s academic offerings. They support the academic and research program and the intellectual and cultural development of students, faculty, and staff.

7.8 The institution demonstrates that students use information resources and technology as an integral part of their education, attaining levels of proficiency appropriate to their degree and subject or professional field of study. The institution ensures that students have available and are appropriately directed to sources of information appropriate to support and enrich their academic work, and that throughout their program students gain increasingly sophisticated skills in evaluating the quality of information sources. (See also 4.6)

7.9 The institution ensures appropriate access to library and information resources and services for all students regardless of program location or mode of delivery.

7.10 The institution’s physical and electronic environments provide an atmosphere conducive to study and research.

7.11 The institution uses information technology sufficient to ensure its efficient ability to plan, administer, and evaluate its program and services.

Institutional Effectiveness

7.12 The institution regularly and systematically evaluates the adequacy, utilization, and impact of its library, information resources and services, and instructional and information technology and uses the findings to improve and increase the effectiveness of these services.

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